How to be consistent so you can reap the benefits of achieving your goals

Hello and welcome to my newsletter!

I plan to use this as a space to share some helpful information about personal development, self mastery and growth in entrepreneurship. I’m still very much in the early phases of learning how to start and run a business and I’m hoping that some of the stories and information I share along the way will be helpful to others as they get started building businesses and lives they love.

I have several ideas and business initiatives I’ve started and this newsletter is a new one. I know what it’s like to struggle with consistency when it comes to working toward my goals and holding myself accountable so I wanted to use this article as a source of inspiration for those who may be struggling with the same thing. I’ve started a podcast, YouTube channel, I’m even creating an online course and more. I definitely can relate to you if you have big business a personal development goals and multiple interests. Balancing all of these things with a full time job can be a lot.

There’s a time commitment, mindset adjustment and a mastery of certain skills that come into play when trying to tackle your biggest goals.

I get it, its a lot but it just has to get done, right?

Well it does, but maybe not all at once. I know, when we are setting goals it gets really difficult to cut certain things off or make firm decisions about what we will and won’t do. Focusing ourselves gets really difficult because we want it all. We want the podcast and YouTube channel and fabulous social media feed and healthy body and the happy family and the career and the list goes on. I’m finding that more people are promising us that we can have it all but not enough emphasis is put on the fine print. That fine print says “but not at the same time.”

Think about, the time has to come from somewhere. There are only 24 hours in the day. This is not to discourage you from dreaming big but maybe its a wake up call. Maybe, its time to get real about what is most important to you and what you will need to do and sacrifice in order to get those things. Maybe, some of the things you want actually contradict each other and in order to have one, you have to be willing to let go of the other option. For example, I had to realize that I was trying to go for everything I wanted at the same time and that just was not going to work for my productivity. Trying to balance a full time job with creating a course and a podcast was a lot, especially since I wanted to publish 3 videos a week. I did it for a little while but it wasn’t really sustainable. I had to recognize that there are phases to business and there are very real time commitments that go into each one of the things I was trying to accomplish.

I finally decided that I can build my content library in a way that is not so time consuming while working on my course. Hence, the newsletter and I’m also hoping to revive my podcast soon. That is just an example, there are many other personal goals I have that I am trying to incorporate in to my life so my work is not done. I just hope to inspire the readers of this letter to think about some ways you can get decisive when it comes to your goals and your willingness to let go of what may be stifling you. Busy is not always productive and the road to success may not look the way you initially pictured it.

With that, here are some quick tips you can use to be consistent so you can finally reap the benefits of accomplishing your goals:

  1. Get Clear: Figure out what it is you really want. Be unapologetic and get real with yourself. Think about what it will take to achieve these things and ask yourself if you are willing to do the work.
  2. Get decisive: Start cutting off options that are not what you truly want. Anything that impedes your ability to go for what you want, cut it off. Anything that contradicts what you want, do the same.
  3. Find your pain points: Oftentimes we procrastinate or fail to take action because we associate some sort of pain with doing the thing. Start asking yourself “What will happen if I don’t take action?”. Really get a good idea of the consequences you will face if you fail to try or put your best foot forward. What will you miss out on? Who will you fail to impact as a result of inaction?
  4. Get intentional: Think about who else is impacted besides you. Why do your goals matter to you and others in the first place?
  5. Get accountability: Start letting people know what you intend to do a link up with others who will hold you to what you say you will do.
  6. Just do it!: Start taking massive action toward your goals no matter how you are feeling that day. Fight the urge to make excuses and do whatever you need to to get the ball rolling, even if it is a tiny step towards something huge.

I’m on this same journey as well. It is a constant process of growth and development. Consistency is not a one time thing, its a decision that needs to be made again and again. Let’s get to it.

If you are interested, check out my YouTube video about time management strategies that will help you when you’re stressed out. I hope it helps! Leave me a comment letting me know what you thought about this letter and what your top goals are.


Time Management


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