Tips to breaking down your goals so you can go after what you want

Accomplishing big goals can be really intimidating. Often times we can feel that there is so much to do in so little time. We can even get so overwhelmed with what’s ahead of us that we avoid doing the work all together. This can lead to procrastination and ultimately a lack of results.

The solution: breaking our big goals down into smaller more actionable steps.

In order to create the life of our dreams, we have to turn those big scary goals into manageable bite sized pieces. Today we’re going over some tips you can use to do just that.

1. Make sure you’ve properly set your goals:

It takes more than just dreaming to create the life you want. You have to set real, actionable goals. This means you can look at your goal and be able to tell exactly what needs to be done in order to achieve it. This is the first step to breaking your goals down. Make sure the goal is measurable, and that you have a clear action plan that is in alignment with achieving the outcome.

2. Assign your goal a category:

Take some time to figure out what type of goal you are actually trying to achieve. Is it a long term goal or is it short term? Think about how long you expect to take to achieve it. If you have properly set your goal, it will also have a deadline or a timeframe. This is important because it creates a sense of urgency which will encourage you to stay motivated to work toward your outcome. Assigning your goal a category will put it into perspective and allow you establish proper expectations of yourself. It will also help you with the next step.

3. Establish milestones:

Once you have identified the type of goal you are working toward, you can establish your milestones. Milestones are the key points you will need to reach before obtaining the goal. Think about what you will need to accomplish in order to create the outcome you are looking for. For example, if you are setting an annual goal, decide what you will need to accomplish this quarter, this month, this week and today.

4. Identify key action items:

After establishing your milestones you will want to break your goal down further into action items. This will be what is required of you to reach the milestone you have set. Each milestone will have key action items that will contribute to you accomplishing that milestone and ultimately your overall goal. Be sure to focus on identifying the things that will actually lead to the milestone and not just things you feel should get done. Being busy is not always being productive.

5. Properly prioritize your action items:

Now that you know what needs to be done it is time to prioritize. This means to properly identify how to allocate your time according to the importance and urgency of each action item. Take time to figure out what needs to be done now versus what can be scheduled or delegated.

I hope these tips help you on your journey to achieving your big goals. I encourage you to create actionable goals that you can actually follow through on. When your goals are measurable and you have clear steps to making your milestones, you are way more likely to be successful.

Wishing you attainable goals,





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